Subtitling in Russian

When promoting a film to the Russian-language market, there is a particular need for subtitling in Russian. In this business a competent translation and subtitling are an important component of the film’s success.

If you are looking for the best Russian Subtitling Services, look no further.

We are here to help and this is what we offer:

•​ translation of films from all European and Asian languages into Russian;

•​ text editing by native speaker;

•​ subtitling;

•​ creation of Combined Continuity and Spotting Lists with overlay of time code.

We work with embedded (internal) subtitles and all popular formats of external subtitles:

•​ srtsmis2k, ssa, asssub/idx.

Subtitles are checked and edited by editors who are native speakers only.

Subtitling in Russian.

We can guarantee:

•​ synchronization of the subtitle with the image,

•​ verified spelling and style.